Called Leadership Institute


CLI is a ministerial leadership training program within the NOMO AG District. CLI exists to help those that feel a call of God on their life figure out next steps in their call to minsitry while getting pracitical hands on ministry training along the way.


CLI offers a Year 1 Track and a Year 2 Track.

Year 1:

-Possibility for a Certificate of Ministry through the AG

-Books and resources

-Lectures and training on building personal character within ministry

-Networking opportunities

-Courses through Pathway that count towards college credit

-Internship within a local church

Year 2:

-Possibility for a Ministerial License through the AG

-Books and resources

-Lectures and training on how to succeed in ministry position

-Networking opportunities

-Courses through Pathway that count towards college credit

-Internship within a local church


We offer education through Pathway

Pathway is an AG resource to educate future ministers.

It is recognized by the AG as a viable source for credentialing education.

Pathway offers college credit hours to multiple AG universities.


We offer housing for students (up to 4 girls and 4 boys) at our campground Lake Maurer Retreat Center, for those who are not local (Kansas City area). Our campground, Lake Maurer Retreat Center, is located in Excelsior Springs MO.



All of our CLI students will participate in a local church internship. We will place them based on calling and church resources.


Lecture Classes

Students will participate in weekly lecture classes, led by our director and guest speakers.

Our lectures provide education on bettering your personal life, spiritual life, along with all other aspects of life as you walk into your first ministry season.

We also provide practical education on how to run an event, run a ministry department, what being on staff at a church looks like, and much more.



Throughout the school year, we will take the students on various school related trips.

One to highlight is our trip to the AG Headquarters and National Prayer Center in Springfield, MO



Our Year 1 students will also serve as staff at our summer camps.

From leading the camp internships to managing various camp departments, CLI students will learn and grow while being a vital part of our camp ministry.

Year 2 students have the opportunity to come back and help during camps after they graduate, but it is not required.


CLI Director

Ryan Christopher

Along with directing our NEXTGEN ministries, Pastor Ryan also runs the CLI program. He has a heart and passion to equip the next generation of ministers.


CLI Tuition breaks down to $600 a semester.

(plus additional fees stated on application)

Application Deadline for 2024/2025 school year is August 1st