Family First Conference
NOMO NXTGEN believes in family ministries.
Parents will always be the biggest influencers in a child’s life. Our goal is to equip, resource and educate parents on everything they need to know to lead their families in a healthy spiritual manner. That is why we are so excited to announce our new Family First Conference!!! Within the conference, we will have a Parent Conference, and a Kids Conference.
The world is always changing. There is always a new agenda, a new danger. It may seem that our kids are more in the know than we are!
Our goal with Parent Conference is to give parents everything they need to lead their families with understanding and confidence. Understanding on how to navigate and lead our families in todays world, and confidence that you have a healthy biblical perspective in doing so.
Our keynote speaker is Julie Pratt. Julie is our National AG KidMin Discipleship Director. She is coming ready to equip, resource and excite parents!! This is an amazing opportunity that you do not want to miss!
While parents are at their conference, kids are going to have an amazing time at Kid’s Conference!
We have designed Kids Con to be fun, engaging, energetic and educational. We made sure to match our Kids speaker with that vision! Jamie Walton, our National AG KidMin Cultural Specialist, is the best person for the job. Jamie is gifted at coming down to the kid’s level, engaging with them in ways that kid’s feel comfortable and can relate to!
They will have a blast with Jamie, while also learning and growing in awesome ways!