NOMO NXTGEN believes in impacting the world with missions.

We do this in part by GIVING to missions projects and missionaries. We also do this by GOING.

Going alongside missionaries in the field and serving, sacrificing, and giving time to further advance God’s Kingdom.

We believe in the importance of Field Teams and how it impacts not just those going but those that we minister to as well.



July 22-29, 2025

We will be taking a team of 50 to Ecuador to work with our missionaries Tech and Megan Carpenter in summer 2025. This trip will fill fast. If you are interested in this trip we would encourage you to sign up early. We will not know a final cost of this trip until we can purchase plane tickets. This trip will cost somewhere between $1500-$2500. We will have more info Summer 2024. Early sign up is not an application. By signing up early you will have the first opportunity to apply when the application period opens.

The Window to sign up for this trip has ended. However we will be announcing Summer 2026 NGM Field Team trip soon!